Cunts on Ghost Bikes

The grazed knee phase is back.

We go again.





Sounds like an awkward cunt, who made things unnecessarily difficult for himself, has now got the publicity he wanted.


arrested for doing something legal?

No one was arrested.
Why do the cycling lobby have to continuously exaggerate and lie?

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A) too lazy to read detail
B) Hyperbole is key

I’ll be picking up the small one from afterschool on the bike later. She much prefers the days the bike turns up as opposed to the cage


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Said I’d leave the car at home when heading to limk today Cycled to train, train to Limerick, cycle to the mother’s. Load of glass outside a halting site halfway put pay to the cycling. Dirty puncture

Had to wait for a lift in your previous place of employment @Phil_Leotardo

Some times you try and do the right thing and get a kick in the balls for your effort! We go again


The 2 mile?
Rough break dude. And you nearly home and all

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No spare tube? Amateur hour mate.

Lovely way to travel though.

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get puncture proof tyres

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Right outside Thady’s. Travellers had a carpet of glass outside the site, surprised front one didn’t burst too

Tube and tyre both ripped

By God.

Surprisingly god value to replace. 45 quid for tube tyre replacement and fitting in the bike shop on O’Connell avenue across from Bobby Byrne’s.

You could also get the site residents to at least try and keep the place respectable so that everybody else could get by.

But that’s culture, I suppose.
