Cunts on Ghost Bikes

That’s fair.

Its not really. The cunt should be in jail.

A bike repair shop opposite the halting site would make some serious coin.

All the more if he bought and sold 2nd hand bikes…


I saw two near misses on my journey this morning.

Young lad on a small wheel electric bike on footpath not looking where he was going, came up to woman walking dog, lost his balance and was lucky not to fall under a car.

Second one I grimaced expecting the worst. Leeson st bridge junction. Girl on a Dublin bike. Goes through junction on way out of town. Then stops to use the pedestrian green light to cross the road rather than make the turn from middle of the road.

Truck going through junction, pedestrian light had now gone green and she’s under his line of vision. I turned away expecting her to go under his wheel but she stopped at last moment.

I read before women are more likely to be killed on bikes as they are not assertive enough in traffic.

that leeson st bridge is a real bottleneck, VRUs crossing in front of each other

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The Dáil bar is spared a big tab by the looks of it.

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There was a bike shop on Parnell St where a work colleage of mine found his stolen bike for sale.

Did he get it back

He called the Gardai, and one of them went in with him. He got it back alright, turns out there were other stolen ones. Not sure if the owner genuinely didn’t know. I think the bike might have been in for repair and he spotted it when he was shopping for a used one.

that shop was famous for it

a colleague had a bike stolen, reported it to the guards & was told to check out that shop as it might turn up there

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citizen heroes


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear hi vis


Would they not be in the way? Looks dangerous.

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Great stuff. The council put out a rake of cycle lane protection yokes around the place a few months ago and then took most of them away again. What was that about @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy?

they always bottle it when cagers & nimbys councilors kick up a fuss