Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Ray is missing a letter from his Twitter


a drop of golden sun would be a great twitter name for Ray

Handy if you veer over now, you’ll only hit one of those doses rather than a bollard


80% of fatalities in the UK are on the inside of a left turning HGV.

Surprising they’re not at the national gallery flinging mash, soup or tofu at priceless paintings.

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It’s nowhere near that high I don’t think. It’s less than 20%

They all agree on lycra.

No, 80 percent of cycling fatalities occur that way I’m pretty sure.

I remember reading it was 90% years ago.

Well “only” 23% of cyclist fatalities involve a HGV. And around half of all cycle fatalities are at a junction.

It’s disproportionally high but there are still an awful lot of road deaths with cars.

Middle class wankers getting up on their soap box.

Lower class wankers screaming abuse online

I didn’t read the comments underneath…

Holy shit. That’s a clamping. Would it be fair to say now that everything @flattythehurdler has ever told us is a lie?

One would wonder about the sample size of 11 there.


Most things on here are, but I’m sure I read that figure before somewhere. Source may have been wrong, or it may have been a London stat. It stuck in my head though

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I’ll accept everything you said there and reverse my previous judgement on you so.

want green, vote green


There’s a lot of things stuck in your head, you ham.

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