Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Like a left turning truck?

That’s very true. Both parts.

I stopped at pedestrian crossing in Ranelagh earlier. a lad on a bike ploughed through a red light oblivious to the elderly man who was crossing. He was close enough to hit his umbrella but didn’t bother to stop and check

There’s arseholes on four and two wheels.

People in cars kill people every week mate

He would have sped through a red light there if the taxi driver hadn’t slowed him up a bit.


The taxi driver was trying to save him

A lad on a bike out in traffic looking for confrontation. Riding up inside into a gap that doesn’t exist to make a point.

Good luck to him.

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His go pro shield will save him


2 x cunts in action undoubtedly but the last move by the taxi driver is extremely dangerous & should be punished.

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He was on a PB there only for the taxi driver


Taxi driver is a cunt but yer man was cycling dangerously and weaving all around lanes

Don’t go wrapping on someones car and expect them to respond politely. These videos there’s invariably two cunts involved.


The taxi driver was breaking the law

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So was the cyclist when he changed lanes without signalling.

You got there ahead of me.

Maybe the taxi driver was just dropping a fare off too?

Again, 2 fucking idiots. The cyclist taking on a cager he had pissed off and was willing to be seriously injured for his cause.


Cagers kill people every week mate, their bad behaviour lead to kindermoord

They do indeed. That’s why the cycling man should be more careful around them.

There was a cycle lane on the left hand side all the way along there, why wasn’t he using it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?