Cunts on Ghost Bikes

When he was being so precious about it

We’re all people guys. One love.

He was shook after the taxi mans illegal driving

Looks more like the state is paying millions putting in cycle lanes and you guys won’t use them.


Is there any more VT footage? I’d love to know whether or not he managed to catch up to the BMW that was also encroaching on the bicycle lane. I think at the very least the BMW also deserved a little tap so the driver would know not to stop with a wheel in a bicycle lane. There is no justification for a encroaching on a bicycle lane on a narrow road.

Bloody ridiculous expecting a bicycle to fit up that tiny gap.

He’s precious about the cycle lane yet will cycle everywhere except the cycle lane


The cyclist appears to be a cantankerous oul prick if you go back over his tweets


He’s a cyclist…


Really.? Id love to see him sat at the aisle trying to watch the rubby 6 nations at the aviva.

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@thedancingbaby dehumanizing a person while at the same time calling the person cantankerous

Only on TFK could you get a post so lacking in awareness

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A right angry bastard. All the exercise in the world won’t fix all the accumulated stresses.

With a GoPro.
Being a contrary cunt is a given.


Disagree. I’ve seen @thedancingbaby do it in real life too.



Duly noted aul stock

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Yer mans further comments are hilarious if they werent so stupid.

Claims he has plenty of room here. The argument started when he actually had more room on the cycling lane at the start.

He doesnt use the cycling lane again, says he can go around at better speed by not using it. So wants his cycling lane only when it suits.

When he got up to the second flash point, the cycling lane was actually there to the left but instead of using it and then going across on the cycling box at the lights, he wants to go up the inside of the car stopped at the lights.

There is no doubt the taxi driver is an unmitigated prick, but why intentionally put yourself in harms way to make a point that is totally unnecessary. He’s the one who could be killed.


its illegal to be in a cycling lane

the cager will be aware of this in the future for sure

we need a total crackdown on illegal cager behavior & thats why the new portal to upload illegal behavior will be of no value unless we can get a % of the fines

Calm down mate.


to be paid to snitch is part of my early retirement plan

I don’t see either of us as the retiring types mate.

We’ll always log on and do SFA

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