Cunts on Ghost Bikes

His undertaking will lead to the undertakers.

Thats great.

Whilst the cyclist will end up in hospital or worse if he keeps going on his kamikaze type cycles.

You can be right or be dead. Its not worth it going after them like that

Natural selection though. Get rid of the idiots. Win win.


That’ll work well in the Alps


Terrible to see @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and his crew preventing help from getting to a poor cyclist

Here’s a thing of genius cc @balbec. :laughing:

These murdering bastards

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They are clearly the new ISIS

“Until the moment I’m sure they’ve stopped, seen me and are not pulling out, I can’t continue.”

Is this the most sensible thing that has been uttered on this thread?

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A full and frank exchange of views here. You could say both misbehaved. Taximan had two wheels in the cycle lane. Cyclist should have tapped on the window and made his point rather than slapping the car. He still had ample room to pass on the inside.'I'll run you over!' – Cyclist and taxi driver get into heated roadside row in Cork - YouTube

This is an anti cager forum mate


Cyclists are vermin.


The cyclists mistake is thinking he has a role in policing cycle lanes. He doesn’t.


I’m a cyclist and so is my wife.

not yet, but once we can upload footage we do