Cunts on Ghost Bikes

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1014503, member: 24”]Motorcyclists

These cunts are beginning to annoy me.[/QUOTE]

I’ve despised the cunts for years. Was stuck behind some geebag on one of those motorbikes with two front wheels for ages driving through the city yesterday.

In a kilometre stretch of road in Dublin yesterday evening I had one of these cunts speeding up on the passenger side of me and pulling in between me and the car in front where there was barely any space. Then I had another cunt do the same thing on the driver side only up the road. That cunt was met by a blow of my horn.

Cunts think they can do what they want.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1014636, member: 24”]In a kilometre stretch of road in Dublin yesterday evening I had one of these cunts speeding up on the passenger side of me and pulling in between me and the car in front where there was barely any space. Then I had another cunt do the same thing on the driver side only up the road. That cunt was met by a blow of my horn.

Cunts think they can do what they want.[/QUOTE]
they are under the illusion that the helmet they are wearing is in fact a force field

cyclists are that lark now too

funny seeing cyclists lose the rag on the cycle lane along the canal when pedestrians do a cyclist on them and just hop in and out of it

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1014636, member: 24”]In a kilometre stretch of road in Dublin yesterday evening I had one of these cunts speeding up on the passenger side of me and pulling in between me and the car in front where there was barely any space. Then I had another cunt do the same thing on the driver side only up the road. That cunt was met by a blow of my horn.

Cunts think they can do what they want.[/QUOTE]
Speeding up? I wonder were you checking your mirrors at all?

The thing that I don’t understand is cyclists not using the cycle lane.
I’ve cycled to work a load of times now on my shiny new bike, cycle lanes are a gift. But some lads think they are too good or too fast for them.
Makes no sense.

[QUOTE=“cluaindiuic, post: 1014654, member: 258”]The thing that I don’t understand is cyclists not using the cycle lane.
I’ve cycled to work a load of times now on my shiny new bike, cycle lanes are a gift. But some lads think they are too good or too fast for them.
Makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

I often see this along the cycle path at Grand Canal. It fucking leaves me seething.

[QUOTE=“cluaindiuic, post: 1014654, member: 258”]The thing that I don’t understand is cyclists not using the cycle lane.
I’ve cycled to work a load of times now on my shiny new bike, cycle lanes are a gift. But some lads think they are too good or too fast for them.
Makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

Depends on the cycle lanes. Some of the lanes on the N11 are so dangerous that you’re better off on the road.

What is the surface quality like on the lanes?

I have a general driving rule with motorcyclists. If there’s one going past you, there’s a good chance there will be another very close by.

you won’t get a belt of a car in a cycle lane. I’d prefer a fall to the ground than a slap of an SUV

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1014636, member: 24”]In a kilometre stretch of road in Dublin yesterday evening I had one of these cunts speeding up on the passenger side of me and pulling in between me and the car in front where there was barely any space. Then I had another cunt do the same thing on the driver side only up the road. That cunt was met by a blow of my horn.

Cunts think they can do what they want.[/QUOTE]

I hope you’re destressing somehow, mate. Sitting in traffic seething will take years off your life.

That’s one of the better parts.

Saw a fella throw a hurley along the ground at a cyclist years ago outside the shop after training. It got stuck in the spokes and the cyclist after trying to stay on the bike for about 5 seconds hit the ground fairly hard with his feet strapped into the pedals. He then threatened to burn out our GAA dressing rooms before departing on his stage of the tour de Limerick. The wanker who threw the hurley along the ground was an absolute cunt who was subsequently run out of the club, but it was far funny viewing all the same.

Just another day on the mean streets of Limerick

If it only had two front wheels then it was a Segway. If it had two front wheels and two back wheels it could be any kind of motorised vehicle. If there wasn’t a proper roof on it it was one of those things you see smarmy cunts like yourself drive around the beach trying to look cool. If there was one wheel at the back then it is called a reverse trike. Either way what you saw was most certainly NOT a motorbike, you thick Dubalin cunt and the only geebag in this instance is your good self.



Cunts. Bad morning in Dublin. Floods, debris, the works. Traffic moving really slowly. Go through a light that was green when I went through but obviously changed as I was going through. A phalanx of cyclists burst across the junction - two of them being good enough to block my progress and roar that the fucking lights had changed. Yes it was now a pedestrian green which obviously is go for the whatever you’re having yourself cyclists. As I stared impassively into the distance, waiting for this scene to clear, a third chap kindly gave me the finger and spat at the car as he wheeled on his merry way.

Phalanx is a great word.

Even if it was green you shouldn’t go if you cannot clear the junction you gimp.