Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Winetavern Street

Lidl have bike gear on Thursday guys

Thanks mate.

Would have thought you would be mad for a bit of lycra.

Weird that you think of me and lycra.


thanks for the tip TSG

most useful post in about 6 tines

yes mac, one of my most useful post in 6 tines indeed


If not six years

the game changer

Gardaí will soon be able to issue fines to cyclists for 7 different road traffic offences.

Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe has confirmed that he will be introducing Fixed Charge Notices for cyclists who commit certain road traffic offences.

A fine of €40 will apply for each of the seven offences listed below.

  1. Cyclist driving a pedal cycle without reasonable consideration.

  2. No front lamp or rear lamp lit during lighting-up hours on a pedal cycle.

3.Cyclist proceeding into a pedestrianised street or area.

4.Cyclist proceeding past traffic lights when the red lamp is illuminated.

5.Cyclist proceeding past cycle traffic lights when red lamp is lit.

6.Cyclist failing to stop for a School Warden sign.

7.Cyclist proceeding beyond a stop line, barrier or half barrier at a railway level crossing, swing bridge or lifting bridge, when the red lamps are flashing.

The Minister says that the introduction of fixed charge notices for motorists has been hugely successful in changing driver behaviour and he’s confident that a similar change in behaviour and attitudes by cyclists who break the law will result following the introduction of such measures.

A week of free reign for motorists to run them over when they break lights would have the desired effect

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At the start of August Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe introduced a new set of fixed penalties for cyclists – including a €40 fine for breaking a red light. New research from Trinity College found that 60% of cyclists are breaking red lights in Dublin, while at one particular junction 97.8% of cyclists broke a red light.

Prof Caulfield believes there needs to be a review of the rules of the road to better accommodate the changing face of the roads, in particular the rapid increase in the number of cyclists on the roads.

“Our cities and towns are changing,” he said.

“In Dublin and across the country we have doubled the amount of cyclists. If we were to double any mode of transport there would be teething problems.”

“It is a good thing that we’re having this debate. Maybe five ten years ago we never thought we would be giving out about the number of cyclists in the city and breaking lights – but we need to look at how the rules of the road are applied,” he said.

The researchers chose to undertake the study as “There was a lot of hearsay on the number of cyclists breaking lights,” Prof Caulfield said.

The study observed two junctions in the city – one with a cycle lane and one without.

“What we found was on the cycle track the vast majority of cyclists did break the lights … about 25% broke on a motorist phase” and the rest on the pedestrian light phase, Prof Caulfield said.

On average, the study found that 60% of cyclists were breaking red lights.

That would suggest something wrong with the light system.

If they want to promote cycling, and they do, then they should improve the rules. Cyclists should be allowed turn left at a red light for example (that’s probably most of your 60% breaking ref lights done away with), and if they’re bringing €40 on the spot fines then why not also have €40 on the spot fines for cars straying into cycle lanes.

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No it would suggest 97.8% of cyclists are utter cunts. Which is very much in line with other studies.
Now fuck off back to uploading your GoPro footage onto you tube you cretin.


Relax kid

An us versus them attitude won’t work, guys. Let’s share the road together.

You’re one of us now, fall in.

big time