Cunts on Ghost Bikes

More name calling. Stop getting your knickers in a twist.

Kicked up and down the forum. You’re like jonny sexton in the latter stages of a match.

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When was the last time Johnny Sexton played the latter stages of a match?


Saw a pair of cyclist scum out at 6pm with no hi vis and no front light on one of them.
You’d be tempted to plough into them.


I looked it up. Topaz dont reward any points if they re nit wearing the hi viz. Worth a hundred a piece if they are though

they should be taken out and horsewhipped

If I saw one on a dark country road without a light and no hi vis I’d probably do them.
The law would probably be on your side and the satisfaction id say would be immense.


all joking aside, I’d say if you gave a tip going around 30 and knocked them down, it would be grand, teach them a good hard lesson

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That’s amongst the greatest series (3) of posts ever produced on TFK. I was not expecting three hand crafted on paper blow by blow reconstructions of the incident by @Fagan_ODowd. The level of detail was spot on and made what happened to him today and the black-guarding he got by that bollocks on the bike crystal clear. Three well earned ‘Nice Post’ badges are just reward and at least some good has come out of this for Fagan out of a very embarrassing and humbling incident earlier today. It makes it all worthwhile.


Thanks, buddy. It’ll never match the haircut post by a fellow who was around before your time called the Dunph, but I’m glad it pleased you.

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Three nice post ratings for Fagan thanks to me, I think I’ve repaid him nicely.

There’s a good post rating when you hit 25 likes. I haven’t given up on that yet.

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I’ll have a think and see if I can set something up.

I got one last week. Doesn’t compare to a few funny ratings from the old site but it’s nice to get some positive feedback

I gave you a like there to help you To 24 - all you need is one more now

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Cheers pal. My first good post rating.


I’m giving that a like

Congrats. Iv gone back just now to complete the trilogy myself.

This episode has been a victory over the bullies and the spivs.

We don’t tolerate bullies round here, especially the snivelling rat faced jump up type of bully.


Cyclists really are self righteous cunts.


That lad is just an utter asshole. Whether he is a cyclist or anything else.

Ya it’s the 95% of cyclist who are utter cunts that give the rest a bad name