Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Why can’t something like that ever happen me? I’d give him something to post on YouTube


That guy is a legend

What a cunt he is

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What.for standing up for his rights against ignorant ICE drivers

Harassing that lovely woman. Hopefully he dies from a header over the handlebars sooner rather than later or it could be one of our mothers he abuses next.


That skank is a threat to other road users

Or takes a artic on the inside and gets crushed like a used condom


Any fear the prick would have helped change her tyre? Fucking wanker.

A quick look shows he’s uploaded 100’s of these videos in the past month. Jesus, he is some prick.


Exactly. The likes of that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy creep would rather insult some innocent poor old woman then help her out. Makes me sick.

There is nothing more heinous than a car in a bike lane

His horrible nasally voice bullying a middle aged woman.

What kind of deviant recreationally records strangers going about their business.

Back in lycra for the first time in ages boys. Feels good. Half hard here.


Happy to give that a deserved nice post.

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Jeez I’d love to batter that cunt.

For some reason - all his videos seem to be of cars/drivers breaking rules of the road - its fairly fortunate that despite wearing a camera on his head non-stop (the weirdo) he hasn’t come across any incidents of cyclists running red lights, not wearing helmets, no lights, weaving in and out of traffic, cycling 2+ abreast etc.

No doubt, if asked, he’d explain that only a minority of cyclists do this. However, he doesn’t seem to give the same benefit of the doubt to motorists, the vast majority of whom are very conscious of sharing the road with cyclists.


He is recording heinous criminals

Shouldn’t you be doing a bit of farming on a nice Saturday evening, or else you’re hunting cattle in Lycra…which would be worse again.


Wait, was the guy recording this on a fixie…

He is a peeping Tom, a voyeur, a wrong one, bit touched, a pervert, oddball with a camera strapped to his head like some sort of sick magic eye

He is a deviant cyclops



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