Cunts on Ghost Bikes

As an aside the term 'executive" is seriously devalued these days. A lot of new hires have executive latched onto the job title .

Customer Account executive , corporate finance executive etc

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The garlic man

The only debtors in this country that are sentenced to jail are those who have breached a court order i.e. failure to leave your property as instructed by the court etc

As Julio said most never serve time. But some of them do. Was a case before Xmas where a fella served a week for refusing to pay 25k worth of unpaid tolls!!! He got a banger in jail on Xmas eve or something

If someone can’t afford to pay they should not and would not be sentenced to go to jail. If someone has the means to repay some or all of the debt and they refuse to obey court orders to do so the court has little choice really do they else they ignore the contempt

There is no one in this country who cannot afford to pay something I would say, anyone who was able togo out and get themselves a mortgage and a house in the first place anyway.


Are you for real?

Yeah, and there’s loads of them. It’s a waste of time and resources. If there were attachment orders to their income in the first place there’d be no need for a second hearing and no need for jail time. Think of the cost of packing a lad into jail even for a day and it’s a pointless exercise anyway.

I am indeed. Could you explain to me a situation where a person couldn’t give something back? Afterall this is a problem of their own making.

There are set reasonable living expenses based on each family unit published. Can also add an allowance for housing to these. If you net family income is below this level the courts will assess you as unable to pay and wont take any action. In reality in that instance the person should just bankrupt themselves but that doesn’t happen much either

Both husband and wife are self employed and business goes bust so no entitlement to social welfare support. They have 5 kids under 12 including triplets. All their savings were used to save the business. The house they live in is worth 200k the mortgage is 400 K.

I don’t think there people can afford to pay anything.

You are actually joking though right?

They shouldn’t have left themselves so open and shouldn’t have borrowing beyond their means.


Not one bit. If people are let off paying for things where does it stop?

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but but but the bank gave me the money, it’s their fault…


Engagement here is futile, pal.

Responsibility for ones contractual decisions seem like fairytale stories to some on here.


Ah come on now Harry, we all know the banks had lads outside forcing people in at gunpoint making them sign up for mortgages well beyond their means

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I was lucky, I won a bullet proof vest in a raffle around 2002.

What if there’s a power imbalance and I persuade you to take a loan I know or should know you can’t afford?

I don’t really disagree with you at all. I think lots of people are getting away with murder. In the scenario I gave they just be forced to handover the house and bankrupt themselves. Reality though is very very few people won’t do that voluntarily and the courts are v slow to fuck people out because the council then need to house them

Depends on how good you are at forging signatures because otherwise the contract is usually signed by someone who agrees to make repayments.