Cunts on Ghost Bikes

That’s a stupidity imbalance


Maybe. Or a knowledge imbalance. It has the same effect.

I’d tell you to go suck a lemon.

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If you want to only see these things in black and white then grand.


But I am seeing this in black & white. Banks provide loans, yes they make mistakes when issuing them. But it is the responsibility of the customer to give correct info ref ability to pay & also their own responsibility to borrow within their means.

This is very simple stuff. Sadly, greedy cunts will never follow correct protocol whether they are lending or borrowing.

What if the bank is reckless, takes all the info from the customer, knows or should know the customer won’t be able to repay, should the bank then take some of the hit on the loan?

What about negative equity homes? The bank accepts the home as security. If it hits negative equity and the customer can’t repay should the customer be able to hand over the home and walk away from the debt? Or does the balance of the debt follow them around and they lose the house as well?

Remember, the banks are the experts here, the imbalance in expertise is massive. And on top of that, most borrowers take their advice from the banks that are lending to them. The scoop for abuse is rife.

Sure there has to be personal responsibility, but banks are businesses and should have to take the hit for their own recklessness the same as any other business.

I’m a Grand Canal Dock resident and a regular around the Clanwilliam Terrace area. The street going from GCD (by Lir Theatre) up to Grand Canal Street is of the cobbled variety and very bumpy for cyclists. Ergo, you often get them cycling on the path. Most of them go at a modest pace and pull in when met with pedestrians but others cycle at speed and force people to take evasive action. This business executive must have had enough of it.



You’re just engaging in whatiffery. Caveat emptor applies.


Not in Ireland, clearly. There is no phrase in swahili for snow, nor in Irish for caveat emptor.

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Caveat emptor is a charter for shysters and con artists.

You’ve got the wrong end of the stick here Flatty. The banks have way too much power.

Care to expand? (Preferably without handwriting and Freeman nonsense)

What expansion is needed? It places all the responsibility on one party to a contract. That’s dumb, two sides and so on. It’s especially dumb when there is a power and knowledge imbalance. One size doesn’t fit all.

No it doesn’t. Contract law is not simply caveat emptor. The law can only protect the stupid and greedy from themselves to an extent. The buyer has the ultimate power in any contract situation to not sign the contract.

YOUR HOME IS AT RISK IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPYAMENTS is fairly simple to understand and buyers in a mortgage are supposed to get independent legal advice before signing.

You can’t save people from their laziness, stupidity or greed. Then again, I’d take the warning labels off everything and let natural selection do its work

for any newbys reading this you may get the impression fooley knows what he is talking about, he doesnt, the only qualification he has is a certificate in marketing from a PLC in Wexford

Is this not the same stale shit that rock is threatening to ban people over? Get a new act or ship out you fucking arseclown.

And if I see you cycling in town I’ll push you under a bus

If you take too much Powder tonight will you be whinging to your dealer in the morning?

soz for exposing you as a fraud

if you see me in town? you have never met me and unlike you i dont have any exaggerated features