Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I cycled from Cornmarket to Capel Street last night on the Dublin Bikes, I had my hi-vis in my bag for the venture. Loads of cunts on these bikes all over the city with no high visibility jackets on last night, there needs to be laws put in place in relation to this scheme!

I saw a cyclists sent flying off his bike by a car this morning.
Not sure who was in the wrong, as the cyclist was flying up the inside of a bus and the driver off the car was turning into a side street. There was no way he could have seen the cyclist until it was too late. There seemed to be no damage done anyways. The cyclist got up made a few gestures at the driver and continued on his way.

[quote=“The Runt”]I saw a cyclists sent flying off his bike by a car this morning.
Not sure who was in the wrong, as the cyclist was flying up the inside of a bus and the driver off the car was turning into a side street. There was no way he could have seen the cyclist until it was too late. There seemed to be no damage done anyways. The cyclist got up made a few gestures at the driver and continued on his way.[/quote]

I cane close to doing the same this morning, I would have been entirely in the wrong, but I spotted him in my mirror at the last second and halted my gallop to turn left. It was a close run thing, only for my expert driving and reactions he was a gonner. I feel he learnt a lesson this morning, he was lucky to be sharing the road with someone like me.

He shouldn’t be sharing the road with you in the first place though. That’s the problem.


[quote=“Flano”]He shouldn’t be sharing the road with you in the first place though. That’s the problem.


It was at my grace that he was allowed survive flano, I spared his life.

Probably less hassle for you that you didn’t kill him all told.

[quote=“Flano”]He shouldn’t be sharing the road with you in the first place though. That’s the problem.

Have you not seen McWilliams latest work for RT, the petrol/diesel engine is almost dead. Cyclists are the way forward:thumbsup:.

Whatever ferryman.

Ah ferries can always revert back to windpower:D.

The cops have a bit of a campaign going on at the moment, every MOn and Tue evening they are out pulling fellas on their bikes if they dont have high vis and good enough lights. I got stopped Monday evening and got a right talking to off a Cork guard, he didnt book me because of our commmon bloodline though. Good man!




My auld fella knocked down a cyclist before. When he got out of the car to see was yerman alright, the fella pulled himself up off the ground fairly quickly and legged it, leaving the bike behind him. The auld fella is convinced to this day yerman was after robbing the bike. :smiley:



Great evening for a spin on the bike, sunny but not too warm, got 30 miles in around the city, nothing like it.

I see Labour TD Kevin Humphreys is proposing on the spot fines for cyclists who don’t obey the rules of the road. About time. Some of these cunts are a menace. The fucking Lycra clad warriors at the weekend who think they are time trialling in the Tour de France and therefore don’t have to stop at the lights are probably the worst.

The bike to work scheme has a lot to answer for.

what nonsense by the Labour/FG man. instead of useless soundbites he should be focussing his energies in making road conditions safer for us Cyclists. Bike lanes should be upgraded and there should be more of them. the pot hole situation is a disgrace too-


Easy for motorists to criticise cyclists from the warmth of their cars while lacking proper road knowledge. We should be following Amsterdams lead and putting more public funding into cycling schemes. The Dublin Bikes scheme has been a rousing success as has the bike to work scheme. They should also look at relaxing the rules about taking bikes on the Luas. Seems ridiculous to not let people do that. Could understand rush hour restrictions being put in place if needed.