Cunts on Ghost Bikes

are you familiar with the road?

Other forums are saying its not a place where an accident should happen

Looks like a relatively normal South Dublin housing estate. Given the time of the morning it happened it could have been as simple as some person running late for work and just ploughing out of their driveway without looking. Awful thing to happen.

A self proclaimed cyclist hater who mowed down a father-of-three and left him for dead on the side of a road later boasted that ‘the c*** deserved it’.

I dislike these fellas. Although at least this fella isn’t a foot of the ground. What’s the wind out there today Like @Fagan_ODowd? I’m humming and hawing here.

It’s an atypical bike, but what’s @Fagan_ODowd’s issue with it?

Who did you get to take the photo of you?

It smacks of cuntery unless you’re in some way disabled and is less safe than a normal bike.


Not bad. The bit from Kinara to the Sheds was windy enough but after that it was grand.

@Fagan_ODowd who’s in the wrong here?

That’s exactly the video I put up in the other cycling thread an hour ago

Cyclists are cunts.
Trying to claim the moral high ground. Pity he didn’t more damage to him. The cunt with the camera is actually lucky he hit the other guy first. He would have been squished.

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A big truck passed me approaching some traffic lights this morning and then turned left across me at the junction where I was continuing straight. Luckily I was wary of him and braked to slow down, cunt never looked I’d say, if I’d continued on at the same speed he’d have ploughed right through me.

The Americans.

Always next time


What a loss to humanity. The snowflake cunt.
Nothing about the poor driver trying to manoeuvre a vehicle the size of a small house as part of his day’s work.
You anticipated that the poor man wouldn’t see you but cycled on regardless, did you look around with a big indignant head on you and wait for other cuntfaced cyclists to come and comfort you after your ordeal.
If he fucking ploughed over you I’d laugh my hole off. The only regret I’d have about the whole incident is that the lorry driver probably wouldn’t get his cargo delivered on time.


Trying too hard. Go work on your next fake drinking story.

It’s time ye cyclists grew up and take responsibility for your behaviour.

that cyclist was inches away from destroying that truck drivers life