Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Collected my new bike today guys. I haven’t cycled in years, I may kill myself with it :eek:


only if you think putting on a short skirt is dangerous, I don’t happen to think it is. You do.

That’s not what I said either. You’re all over the place recently pal.

It is what you’ve said.

Dig up

OK guys, can we focus on me. I bought a road bike and I’m apprehensive about going on the road with it. It’s been many years. My body is built for cycling though. I’m very lean with really defined quads.


Will you let him off, it’s the first time he’s been right about anything.
It’s like August 2018 all over again for him.

he is always right about everything.

I wonder did he get planning permission for the pedestal he built for himself

Cycling is the new smoking.

You’re one of those weird hunchbacks who “look natural over the bars”? :open_mouth:

I was talking about my legs primarily. I have legs like Gianluca Zambrotta. I suppose desk work has not been great for my posture right enough.

You’ll be like Greipel in a few weeks

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Bollocks! The cyclist is on a bicycle and cycling on the road. He’s a cunt and totally irresponsible. He should have stayed in the velodrome.

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Welcome to the club mate

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Why do cyclists live 10 years less than the average person?

OK guys, brought the bike out for a cycle to Middletown today, it was grand, the road was pretty quiet at that time and I did a circa 16 miles round trip in around the hour mark.


Extremely foolish of the cyclist to manufacture a second right turning lane at a single lane junction there.

Both parties at fault. The bigger gobshite does it on a 15(?)kg bicycle. Simples.

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Ridiculous carry on manufacturing that lane between two cars. Why couldnt he wait his turn?

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Have to agree - see this shite constantly ie drivers cutting corners, obvious to me that the driver wasn’t being observant,he just didn’t see the cyclist ,and of course the silly cyclist is not in a great position

The motorist was in the wrong here.

He should have backed back, and drove over the cyclist again.


OK guys, what is the best website for good value cycling equipment and clothing?

Should I install a go pro cam in order to get awarded by a big claim in the event of an accident?