Cunts on Ghost Bikes

In fairness he was a good golfer.

Worse than murderous rapist taxi drivers, or the thieving taxi drivers?

Go back to tending your sick family.

He already had a conviction for dangerous driving too.

The judge is sending out the message that it’s ok to purposely run over cyclists. Presumably only if you come from a middle class background.

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I dont see the issue with that? Cyclists are scum

That’s the surprising thing - it wasn’t like this was a once-off

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Six prior convictions iirc.

ok guys, ill change the thread title, the term cyclists is no longer acceptable


“Mr Spencer said his client was a keen golfer who showed great promise in his youth and had a handicap of one before his form deteriorated. In the years since the incident, he has qualified as a welder and hopes to get back into golf.

After handing down sentence, Judge Nolan observed that “the reference to golf didn’t help him”.


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Apparently Dublin doesn’t have SEGREGATED cycle lanes?

Here’s one, and also a cyclist ignoring it and cycling on the road :man_shrugging:


You can’t really give about about drivers if you’re in a SEGREGATED cycle lane so I can’t see them being popular with cyclists in Ireland unfortunately

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Drives me demented when I see that.

Would at last be a reason to take up golf

What’s the matter @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy cat got your tongue?

As close to an admission of being a murderous rapist taxi driver as you’ll see.

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Its in the law that you’re within your rights to run a cyclist down in that instance.

Judge Martin Nolan strikes again. His sentencing lacks consistency and often doesn’t tally with the actual facts outlined.

He’s probably concentrating too hard on finding a set of red lights he can ride straight through.

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