Cunts on Ghost Bikes

No response from the cyclingnazis about my irrefutable proof that cyclists ignore the existing segregated cycle lanes

All of them?

50% of the cyclists that passed.
2 in the lane, 2 out of it.

One cyclist?

2 cyclists.

Driving through the Jack Lynch yesterday morning, chap cycling through towards the Dunkettle. Have never seen that. Also he was on a fixie

What happens when two dickheads meet

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Be careful out there @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Who yer man?


He deserved to have an e-bike taken off him. Pretend cycling.

Good luck with that Aidan, you can’t get drivers in Limerick not to park in the middle of O’Connell street not to mind stay out of cycle lanes

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The right hand lane of William St is basically just used for parking.
Just stick on your flashers and away you go.

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In to Guiney’s for tea towels or Enzos for a bag of chips. Be grand.

The mother cant go near town without giving a half an hour in Guineys. I’ve often ended up driving around the block there five or six times waiting for her. I suppose I’ll get no thanks from the cyclists for not stopping on the road though

I was in town one day with the mother and we ended up in Guiney’s. I noticed that their knock off version of Calvin Klein jocks were branded “Clien” and their knock off of Lacoste was “ Le shark” :sweat_smile:

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Is there no parking in limerick

They can’t thank you if you don’t stop mate.

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