Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I’ll pull in the middle of the road next time and accept their gratitude

Do that. Wait for a few.


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We’re very progressive.

There is parking literally right beside where they pulled in. It would involve about twenty feet further of a walk though so you can see the problem

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Only for horses

Only going to be one winner there.

by the looks of things he was in a luas only area, going to cycle the tracks up to windy arbour. probably got at the incline for the bridge

He may not have realized there was a late night Luas.

Awful tragedy. 19 years old.


He’s a modern day Harvey Milk.

time to hand out a few twinkies in limerick so

Here you go @Bandage

This is what we are up against lads. speeding drunk driver kills 6 people reported as a car crash in the journal

A drunk speeding cyclist would only have killed himself, probably.

get some

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