Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I always wonder why they blot out the registration plates? Clearly to protect information personal to the owner, but why? Isn’t it fact the bollox parked there, is there any reason not to publicly shame them for it?



I don’t see that it’s a breach of GDPR.

This jeep was causing such an obstruction we decided to clamp him, so he could continue causing an obstruction for even longer.
Tow the cunt


Burn it out

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Can link the reg plate to a person so it’s personal data. Also makes it easy to clone number plates for criminals.

Why do all the auto traders have license plates in clear view on pictures?

Auto traders may not be as respectful of the law as the Gardai.

Sorry, I just made that up.


Ok the second thing doesn’t make any sense as anyone can drive around and look at number plates. As to the first, it’s not illegal to publish a fact, I can’t see rule or reason to protect someone’s anonymity in a case like this.

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Grand. Fire up your registration plate there.

Because it might not be the reg owner of the car that parked it there, could have been a wife a partner a kid etc

I’m between cars.

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Still not seeing the issue to be honest.

UK decision based on same underlying legislation.
You can identify person from a reg plate so it’s personal data.

  1. The Commissioner has previously considered whether a vehicle registration plate number is personal information for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the ‘DPA’).
  2. In Decision notice FS50186040 available at 186040.ashx his decision was that as it is possible to identify the owners of vehicles from the registration plates then that information is personal data.
  3. The Commissioner is also satisfied that a disclosure of the contact details of an individual would be personal data.

Interesting. Is it an offence to park illegally? And can or are the names of people who commit summary offences published? Since pictures containing number plates are published all the time then that alone is surely not a data breach, so it must be the fact of the link to the wrongful behaviour. I don’t get why someone has a right to anonymity in a situation where they have broken the law.

I’d imagine it’s more to do with the context of the tweet. They have no consent of the data subject AND they are levelling a charge against them in public.

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It’s considered a traffic offense. You get a fixed charge penalty of either 40 or 80 quid and no penalty points.

Would you expect everyone caught speeding to have their personal information freely available?

The person leaving the car could have had a medical emergency etc, etc. Chances are it was some fucker chancing his arm but you wouldn’t know