Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Renua Party Chairman Séamus Ó’Riain, however, told that cycling in Ireland is “not top of our priorities” in light of recent violence in Co Louth and Co Cork.

“A young man was chopped up and put into plastic bags in Drogheda,” Ó’Riain said. “Another stabbed to death in Cork.”

You’ll have to forgive us but worrying about how the average metro sexual cycles to work at Google is not top of our list of priorities.”

:smiley: :smiley: :clap:


Oh fuck yes!



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Séamus will hoover up votes with that one! :clap:

Can any cyclist out there tell me why a bunch of you would decide to cycle on the road and hold up traffic, when there is a perfectly good cycling lane right beside you?

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Because it makes them feel like big men

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Was it a segregated cycling lane?


Maybe they were turning right?

Part of the joy of cycling is holding people up

Was this along the canal?


In a North Kildare town.


which cycling lane was it mate?

can yo be specific?

Sorry mate - not at the moment.

ok guys, we can take it that it wasn’t SEGREGATED

I am not aware of any SEGREGATED lanes in North Kildare.