Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Job interview?

No - my place of residence.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Much needed so disappointed about the delay

I had a scan through his twitter. I’d say the cark Gardai are withered listening to this cunt and are praying for the day that he finally bites the dust under a HGV on Carr’s hill. where ever the fuck that is.


He was tipping along nicely there

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His Twitter bio :joy:

I’m not generally pro cyclist And anybody who films their commute is an asshole but the car driver was a complete idiot there. Nearly drove head on into a bus too. Road was too narrow to overtake and that was dangerous.


thats clearly the issue here yet the previous posts are all blaming the VRU.

In fairness the cyclist was looking the wrong way for a start.


I always thought it was a bit much but when you have to endure near misses on a regular basis it makes sense.

Hopefully the gardai can track down that car and prosecute.

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In my honest opinion, and I cycle a lot, whilst he was tipping along, it’s bad manners to be that far out in the road, just as its bad manners to walk really slowly down the middle of a busy pavement or corridor.
Having said that, he was lucky he didn’t end up under the whales.


Another bugbear of mine I’d those fucking idiots with uber bright lights not only on their bike, but also on their helmet, angled so it is pointing directly at whatever they happen to be observing, which invariably seems to be directly into the eyes of an oncoming motorist/cyclist. Wankers.


This lad seems to have a serious incident on the road pretty much every day. It’s everyone else’s fault though


It’s definitely someone else’s fault in this case.


they can put that on his tombstone when he’s inevitably gone under someone’s wheels


A stopped clock is right once/twice a day (depending on the display settings)

It’s not a road to be cycling on at rush time in all fairness.

Ya but is it only right if you see it?