Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

She looks fuckin mental,a teacher I’d say

Des is mentally challenged

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Fuckin’ bullseye :+1:t2:

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What a balls up des made of that.

He’s an RTE lifer. Unsackable.


In the name a jaysus

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Des’s hapless incompetence is a big ratings draw in itself

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Its car crash tv,unmissable really.

That was a good segment. Tipp lads are a bit of craic


Des couldn’t even keep track of who was wearing what jacket and they sitting in front of him . Has the man’s got vision damage from fake tan running into his eyes when he sweats?

He’s got some chin on him holy fuck

He’s a vegetable

+1. I’ve great time for Tipperary people. A great bunch by and large.


Jacqui is the star turn

Una is gonna bring the sex here now


Like the Chinese

Not if Declan Nerney is with her

I’ll be pissed by the end of this

This is the worst I’ve ever seen.

I drank a full red stripe during that segment

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Des with the cards trying to disguise his horn for Una