Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

:laughing: Me too, hold a while Una is on, I may straighten up

Noble Burd

She’s no Louise Morrissey but she’ll do.

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Thank Christ for that KP

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She’ll make it on the C&I scene yet touring with her uncle

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She even putting on her old roaster accent, begorrah

Athenry stock shure

Shes murdering it


She created quite a stir on her visit to Kinvara last week.

In your pants


Galtee Mountain Boys kicks the shit out of that dirge


I’ve switched over to the Fleadh on tg4

What a performance.

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Butchered it.

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At least they’re not interviewing her

She butchered that.

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The choir saved her.

Whisht, Tracey is on

Here we are now, all the lads

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Is this the wan with the biceps?