Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Yeah but there wasn’t wan bit of broken irish wedged into the programme

You make that sound like a bad thing.

Its tradition at this stage

I hope that Camogie cunt from Graigue-Ballycallan enjoyed her day out today.

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NOT signing in tonight.

I enjoyed the hurling renewal but I just can’t face into it so soon after.

I just can’t.

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The roaster quotient will be too low tonight.

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John OShea is a banker

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Jim Power, the economist if he’s still on the go

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John Halligan

Carrie Crowley

Monica Leech


Sean Ban Breathnach
Mary Coughlan

John Delaney


Oh there’s one from the archives😉


Stephen Hunt

Derek the dictionary


With the football final on a Saturday, he’ll probably get the job of presenting it on the Friday night.

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Sean Kelly cyclist


Tipperary’s Sam Bennett as all of Tipperary are on the Waterford bandwagon and cheering on the Tipperary management team.

I look forward to Derek McGrath doing his best Sunday Miscellany impression.

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