Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Teege is carving out a mighty meeja career for himself. A Sunday Game appearance can’t be too far away.

Anytime I see Tyrell, Yondu reminds me of him.

He’ll be first man up for a light entertainment show

In fairness to Jackie he didn’t bottle it when the lads dressed him

Teege could step into that house makeover show from the big bald lad.

TJ has the Gary Lineker greying elegantly look off to a tee.

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0’11 again Tipp

Amazing slow mo of a big wad of cash landing on a table there.

Golf lads must have got sick of him

Christ that was bad


Once upon a time, Conor Moore was funny.


Dev here was funnier

I had to turn over to the wimmins soccer, is it safe to switch back?

Any TFKers in the crowd?


Would they admit it?

Up For The Match could end up as the biggest casualty of the move to July. I’m not feeling it.

Don’t ever jeer the Wexford accent again, state of that :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Who dressed Geary, she looks awful…

Geary is a dose