Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

How did he manage to buy 3 farms on a regular wage…

“Let me tell you something , it’s not easy”


Don’t forget his electrical rewind company.

Not his company though is it!

Didn’t realise that, always thought it was his.

I don’t think so. Always thought it was the late Dan Lehane who set it up and Tom Ryan was like a manager or general manager, something like that.

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Eddie O Connor can kiss an appearance goodbye after his otb interview too

I think he was left them

Ah right , he lives over in the one in Mungret I think

Cian Lynch


Mind your own business about the farm . Was the 20 questions not enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Signing in

Des Cahill

Irish dancers wearing jerseys. How original.

Modern like

That was savage. Unreal.

Those Kilkenny kids should be in bed

Take a drink when Marty says “they love their hurling in (insert county, town or village).”

Nice touch having the RTE crew live from the two counties rather than just the cringy cameo videos.

Haven’t watched this in about 20 years out of choice… I’ll give it 10 mins, max.