Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

This show cannot be watched sober.

A Spectacular mugging, the Tipp cunts were seething

[QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1012516, member: 9”]Shortt has changed his accent here. Started off Tipp and now going mid Atlantic. Fucking dickhead. I’m switching my allegiance to Kilkenny.[/QUOTE]well spotted mate, he was making a pOint and put on a British ACCENT HALF WAY THROUGH WHAT HE WAS SAYING

It was beyond bizarre, pal. He’s a thespian now.

Declan Carr is very well spoken for a knuckle dragger.

Grainne - “did you ever get asked for an autograph?” :rolleyes:

carr with a ridiculous arrogant statement there

Pat Short never played hurling. What kind of a Tipperary person is he?

The length of the shirt sleeves on Shortt. FFS

kavanagh looks about 45

Des got a fresh dye job done today

He’s all over the place

That segment was bizarre. The interview just trailed off and even Des was bored by the three of them.

shortt never held a hurl, what the fuck is he doing on this programme?

Fuck, a great song being ruined by a shower of Paddywhackery cunts. Look at the cut of the fucking stage paddies.

Grainne is having a 'mare, can’t get into the banter at all. Lack of GAA backround and knowledge is showing her up. It’s bad when Des is leaving you in his wake.

What a pile of scutter this is. One thing is for sure, noboby cares for these two bores in the final.

Kilkenny people displaying yet again that we have the most shit selection of rousing get behind your County men songs in Ireland,This Irish Rover shit has fuck all to do with Kilkenny,we’re inland for fuck sake:mad:…we have one song & its harmless enough,i dont like Mooncoin…shower a cunts…

I’d still ride the hole(s) off her.

look at the cut of these cunts of band :smiley: thanks for making this comedown easier