Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

all I can say is, thank fuck I am out of that place, every single cunt on it was a roaster, even grainne o seioge

Every political party in the country should be getting Joe to stand for them in the next election

Joe would be genuine. but if it came out of a smarmy cunt like Nicky or Pat Fox it would be different.

Christy Heffernan enjoying the Garth Brooks medley. Wonderful to see.

Yet you still fucking loved it

Oh for fuck’s sake… what a bookend to roaster fest '14

It’s like the Eurovision, the Late Late or the Rose of Tralee - car crash stuff, will bitch and moan about it but this time next year I’ll be watching it again. :oops:

That Kilkenny chap with the guitar in the audience was like a young Christy Heffernan.

Although it’s hard to believe Christy Heffernan was ever young.

It was actually a fairly enjoyable way to spend an hour and a half

The football version should be even better with Donegal in it. While there was a disappointing lack of painted sheep tonight, I’m sure that’ll be put right in two weeks’ time.

roaster alert

Grainne Ni Sheoige.

She won’t be Ni for too long though, I fear. :frowning:

An utter cuntfest with honourable exception for Joe Hayes. He did one on Liam o’bore

You really would need to be off your head to watch it… The Jameson helped here

You still would though.

Who wouldn’t?

We’ll be on it next year. Jon Kenny. Eamonn Cregan. Ritchie Bennis and the Rubberbandits.


Ah yes that idea cheers me up, the rubberbandits on up for the match…

Dare to dream…
