Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Nicky Brennan said “Paul Murphy was an ordinary club hurler, and then progressed into the best corner back in the country.”

He’s correct about the latter but i’ve trouble accepting he was an “ordinary club hurler”. Kilkenny lads care to comment?

Des patronizing some foreigner.

Christy cleaning house here

Stupid comments from Heffernan here.

He is some roaster

Hogan was too soft on Sylvie there. He should have said what we were all told about Slyvie when we were young

Gerry pulling an @Il_Bomber_Destro here with the same shirt 2 days in a row the dirty animal. :eek:


McInerney is an awful boring cunt, not what I expected at all

A lot of these cunts are boring.

Gerry pulls it out of the bag only for Des to butt in & kill the buzz.

Sylvie just mugged off Cunningham there, good and proper :fearful:

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That was poor stuff in fairness.

Ye fuckers talked me into the last 15 minutes only thankfully.


The G Eh Eh is taking off here pal. Theyve been showing replays of the previous weekends games midweek, not sure did hear about that. There has however been predictable results. One annoying cunt in work keeps gping on to me about how ‘awesome’ it is. Gimp. Been asking me questions about the rules and format etc, i knew exactly where it was leading, just texted me there, so this game tomorrow, is it worth watching. Fuuuuck off if you think im bringing you to watch an all ireland galway are playing in to explain the fucking rules and answer inane questions. Christ im on edge here already.


This is the only one they could get of maroonandshite but I think the producer said it doesn’t fit the stereotype of the irish in Canada.

I watched a tiny bit of Electric Picnic and went to bed at 10.45pm. Sorry for turning my back on this pre-All Ireland Final institution, guys.

Good call.

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I bet alot more wished they had made that wise decision. I’m surprised the roaster thread didn’t explode last night with the excitement up for the match generates for them.

The new GAA President is an absolute simpleton.

When he was asked about the farce over Connolly getting off - “well it’s nothing to do with the GAA.”. Well it’s hardly an issue for the FAI is it, ffs. Not even a slight acknowledgement that there is a problem with the disciplinary process. Sweep sweep.

That was the only two mins of the thing I managed to see and it was two too many.

Grainne was dressed in something from the 1950’s. Very disappointing.

We’ll be looking at that dull cunt Shefflin for the next 40 years on our screens.


Des will be in flying form tonight

RTÉ broadcaster and sports journalist Des Cahill was among the PPI Radio Awards Hall of Fame inductees at a special ceremony at the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland in Dublin on Friday.

62-year-old Cahill joined RTÉ more than three decades ago in 1984 as a news reporter. In 1987 he moved to Radio Sport and reported on several high profile sports events including the World Cup, the Olympic Games, the Tour de France, the Ryder Cup and the GAA Championships.

Since 2009 he has been presenter of the evening edition of The Sunday Game on RTÉ television and is co-host, with Gráinne Seoige, of the ever popular Up for the Match on the eve of All-Ireland GAA Finals.

Currently, Des still presents the flagship Saturday Sport on RTÉ Radio 1 where he also contributes sports bulletins and updates to Morning Ireland and Today with Sean O’Rourke.