Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Jim Corr is a massive Keady advocate apparently, I hope his rolled out.

The format which is unusual for RTE has gotten a bit stale.

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Can’t wait for the photo of @maroonandwhite and the Canadian Galway supporters club


They were yeah i noticed it myself.

This is painful.

I was listening to the off the ball roadshow the other night and they had Duignan on and to be fair he was very funny, telling great yarns about Offaly from back in the 90s, the training camps abroad, Johnny Pilkington etc. They need to have some fresh and/or entertaining individuals on this. Instead we have the questions to Shefflin “This time last year you were getting ready for the final, today you’re not involved. How are you finding the change?”


“I gets very tense on the way up”



Duignan had some cracking stories. He’s an alright sort. DJ Carey and Jaimsie O Connor sucked the life out of it whenever they were asked to interject.


It’s been said before but Cahill is FUCKING ABYSMAL. His little quips are incredibly cliched and unfunny


I’ll top myself if Fan Larkin doesn’t turn up.

Shefflins woman going straight to Coppers after is she?


Good shout. A great character and advocate for manly hurling.

Hot Fuss - Lovely

A Quo tribute band. What more do we need? Still not a patch on The Conquerors

Let’s hope they bring up that unfortunate incident with Nicky Brennan


What’s this President doing on the “Southern Media”?

Just a bit of high jinks

The president your man from Cavan said he attended his first All-Ireland at age 11 and it was between Cork and Tipp!

Get these boring cunts off the stage

Des. :smile:

That’s the best joke he’s ever made, about the bunk beds. :smile:

Any mention yet of the recent passing of the man who made this show what it was - the incomparable Liam Ó Murchú


I’ve heard a few of his yarns before, but they never get old. Pre 1986 semis, telling his auld lad he couldn’t eat his breakfast because he was nervous of making a show of himself. “Well there’s no point in being out there makin’ a show of yourself and being hungry as well!”

And do you bring sandwiches? :smile: