Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

You actually couldn’t make this shit up.

If I hear one cunt sing “as the lights decline” instead of “as the light declines” tomorrow I’m going to start a fight with them.

Christ the winning streak audience has just gate crashed up for the match

Not tonight’s winning streak audience.


Dublin are on a winning streak against Kerry and it isn’t going to stop tomorrow.

I believe I’ve seen this montage before.

Muckyheartstick is on now. @Flano will be seething

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Ger Brennan. Abort, abort.

Big black security man. :dizzy_face:

Bit of casual racism there from the 1997 Kerry captain.

He’s boring as fuck

Let me tell you Des about the great rivalry back in the 70s zzzzzzzzzzzz

She’s a great girl.

This 70s/80s rose tinted shitehawkery is misleading as fuck. 1977 was the only decent game they played.

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Kerry always win shite matches.

One of those blue painted kids looked slightly scared at the end of that shot.

Didn’t realise that Ger Brennan had a bit of a lisp/speech impedament

Appropriately bizarre ending

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For the past two hours I’ve feel like I’ve been living in a different era…bizarre.

Thank God for that David McWilliams advert to get my head right…

That ungrateful cunt from sligo in his manky wine jacket that won the tickets to the match won’t make it out of the studio. Des was fucking seething that cunt won the tickets.

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