Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Eddie :speak_no_evil:

He never officially announced his retirement as that’s not his style. He’s still knocking away with the club and is looking forward to the final year of his Fitzgibbon Cup career with WIT after returning to third-level education a couple of years back.

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The only way to be there.

Grainne has a filthy mind

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This is very true. Some amount of double entendres being thrown out. Grainne has wee’d herself a bit.

Fuck up you quisling.

You’ll never have to worry about your people being there anyway mate

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Do all great forwards have terrible teeth?

He’ll drive away as usual

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Nothing wrong with that.

A responsible drunk is better then a sober ape.

He’d be a simple enough cunt to do so alright.

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You despicable bastard. I hope you drive out over a ditch some night.

Sense of humor?

The state of Kelly the tramp.

That Kilkenny team absolutely hated those Waterford lads Eddie, come on just say it.

Some amount of red headed step children here

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No mention of head hunting lads like Eoin Kelly? Cunts.

Did Kelly win an All-Ireland with Kierans? I remember the Flannans team with Carmody and Andrew Quinn beating them in a final.