Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Aye, he lost one and won one

That was 99. :frowning:

I was only joking there pal…pull in your head.

Jim Treacy looks the same as he did when he was playing.

Not your first time to make a “joke” about drink driving. You’re a gas man the things you find funny. Brilliant fun at a wake I’d say.

Thought you were switching it off…

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And then I switched it back on after the music was over. Are you fucking simple?

More name calling…

He was already had a huge reputation at that stage. Lived up to the hype too.

Should I tell you the next time I change channel as well you dope?

Where are you going with this James?

On the day Woodlock got injured the lads holding the stretcher dropped him about halfway across the pitch

Umpa lumpa.

Kelly looking around to see if anyone is gonna fire over a can during this Woody story

To be fair to him, he carried it well throughout his time playing. Walked the walk.

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Correct. Knew he was fucked instantly.

Naw you’re grand thanks

The wife reckons Eddie is looking “shook”

Eddie Brennan is of the Tomas Mulcahy mould of saying everything with a kind of half laugh

Good man. Wouldn’t like to see you getting confused again is all.