Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Tipperary’s graph is rising, and Eamon O’Shea made serious capital gains in Dublin yesterday. But past performance is no indicator of future gains. He’ll need to figure out a way for Tipperary’s less physical forwards to avoid the DIRT of the Kilkenny backs.

Why are you making Tax puns?

It should be something like;

There will have been huge inflation in Tipperary confidence after that.
Corks in-elasticity in tactics was a major issue which in conjunction with their lack of perfect substitutes ultimately caught up with them.
Tipperary’s midfield had an absolute monopoly on play, with a complete absence of competition on Corks part.
Hopefully Tipperary’s forwards don’t turn out to have diminishing returns from here on in.
In my view KK have a comparative advantage due to higher efficency levels.
Should be a big crowd at the final anyway with demand outpacing supply, particularly considering the almost complete duopoly the two have enjoyed in recent years.
I might go a long myself but will have to do some cost benefit analysis before hand, to ensure I am achieving efficiency in my resource utilization.

dungeon this shit

This will be a real step up for Professor O’Shea on 7 September. He’s essentially going head to head against an adversary with the stature of Joseph Stiglitz . I’d have concerns whether he has the stature and credentials for such a test. From a perusal of Professor O’Shea’s c.v. there is one considerable source of comfort for Tipperary supporters though. With all this talk of an ageing Kilkenny side, interesting to note that Professor O’Shea’s area of expertise is gerontology.

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 1002488, member: 377”]This will be a real step up for Professor O’Shea on 7 September. He’s essentially going head to head against an adversary with the stature of Joseph Stiglitz . I’d have concerns whether he has the stature and credentials for such a test. From a perusal of Professor O’Shea’s c.v. there is one considerable source of comfort for Tipperary supporters though. With all this talk of an ageing Kilkenny side, interesting to note that Professor O’Shea’s area of expertise is gerontology.[/QUOTE]

That explains Eoin Kelly getting 5 minutes at the end of every game.

It’s like a farewell tour for Eoin this year.

No doubt Babs will be wheeled out to tell his old dry balls story again.

He was on with Sean O’Rourke this morning. “Donkies don’t win derbies” was his response when asked to explain Cork’s performance.

Or about the time he played barefoot v KK.

What’s the Craic @Western Person ?

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 1002488, member: 377”]This will be a real step up for Professor O’Shea on 7 September. He’s essentially going head to head against an adversary with the stature of Joseph Stiglitz . I’d have concerns whether he has the stature and credentials for such a test. From a perusal of Professor O’Shea’s c.v. there is one considerable source of comfort for Tipperary supporters though. With all this talk of an ageing Kilkenny side, interesting to note that Professor O’Shea’s area of expertise is gerontology.[/QUOTE]

Hugo Stiglitz FFS

Hugo Stiglitz is an actor?

Joseph Stiglitz is an economist.

[QUOTE=“Mullach Ide, post: 1002273, member: 141”]His father won a Junior All Ireland with Tipperary and he would have attended Tipp matches as a child.
My young fella was born in Dublin and attends every Tipp match with me as a Tipperary supporter.
Ergo fuck off you dope.[/QUOTE]

Thought Shane Ryan’s father won a senior all Ireland with tipp? ?

His father was a sub on the Tipperary 1971 All Ireland winning team. Seamus O’Riain, the GAA President 1967-70 from Moneygall Co. Offaly was his paternal grandfather. Sean O’Siochan the first Director General of the GAA was his maternal grandfather.

I think his mother won a few camogie all Irelands with Dublin too

Niall Quinn’s father Billy won two AI Minor medals and hurled junior and senior for Tipperary.

Jaysus, I’d say he’s set for a pair for of tickets for the final so.

After the formality of Dublin comfortably disposing of Donegal is attended to tomorrow, the planning can start in earnest for the dream pairing in Montrose on Saturday 20 September.

Jack O’Shea
Michael Fassbender
Billy Keane
Mick Galway