Curious horsey phrases used by horsey people

Ya but they are people not horses, so they continued to play with their home country.
If they had been horses, they would have been considered English.

“Oops, sorry about that tip, lads”

good question but people also support indvidual horse owners, bizarre, yes but it happens.
at Cheltenham you will see individuals dressed up wearing replica strips of the colours the jockey is wearing to signify their support for that particular owner, for example in 2010 people went dressed up in green and yellow as they were supporters of the horses belonging to some horrible old English cunt called Clive Smith, scarves, hats the whole shebang.
Im not sure if it is weirder to support a horse, trainer or horse owner, if Monsignor* was still alive he might be able to shed some light on what it means for a horse to have human fans and how the raucous Leopardstown crowd have unsettled many an English challenger before the off

*olympic torch carrier and patron of veteran racehorces society

never referring to the horse who won the race by it’s name, but instead using phrases such as " the one in front was game", " the winner made all" with these faux knowing looks

The covers were put up and he was destroyed

[quote=“mickee321, post: 893544, member: 367”]good question but people also support indvidual horse owners, bizarre, yes but it happens.
at Cheltenham you will see individuals dressed up wearing replica strips of the colours the jockey is wearing to signify their support for that particular owner, for example in 2010 people went dressed up in green and yellow as they were supporters of the horses belonging to some horrible old English cunt called Clive Smith, scarves, hats the whole shebang.
Im not sure if it is weirder to support a horse, trainer or horse owner, if Monsignor* was still alive he might be able to shed some light on what it means for a horse to have human fans and how the raucous Leopardstown crowd have unsettled many an English challenger before the off

*olympic torch carrier and patron of veteran racehorces society[/quote]

Several interesting points raised, @mickee321.

I know someone who used to visit the horse Danoli and bring him presents.

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[quote=“Bandage, post: 893598, member: 9”]Several interesting points raised, @mickee321.

I know someone who used to visit the horse Danoli and bring him presents.[/quote]

What kinda presents?
I brought a horse an apple once.

Probably some old crone getting her collar bone put back or something and too mean to pay that butcher Danny Neill for his services. She may have scoped badly at home causing the visit.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 893601, member: 1786”]What kinda presents?
I brought a horse an apple once.[/quote]

Some grub and a few toys.

Sure who wouldn’t enjoy a bit of grub and a few toys?

he/she was very green

Danoli enjoyed the grub and the toys by all accounts anyway.


“fall ya bastard” - usually shouted at “the one in front” by the knowledgeable racing crowd who are fans of other horses and want them to win at the expense of “the leader” being severly injured and having the jockey possibly end up like Robert Tyner’s poor young son did…

In short, racegoers are scum, utter scum

@TreatyStones is seething now he has been called out here, a nerve has been touched, scum is what they are

The horse racing fraternity remind me of the rugby football brigade.


Went out like a light
He found nothing
The handbrake was on today
Fuck’s sake Puppy

[quote=“Bandage, post: 893625, member: 9”]The horse racing fraternity remind me of the rugby football brigade.

There are certain similarities, but whereas the Rogbee brigade are generally deluded, gormless cunts, the Horsey set tend to be a more ignorant class of a cunt altogether.

So far this thread has been an absolute cuntfest

[quote=“Lazarus, post: 893627, member: 286”]
Fuck’s sake Puppy[/quote]


Vintage Carberry :clap: