Cutting the Chord

I’ll be cutting the chord with this place after tonight. For the simple reason that the usual suspects have made it a hard place to enjoy contributing to. The same three or four lads are spouting the same shite in every thread, mick the muldoon this, paddy the simpleton that, add in the hatred for women and scummy soccer etc etc, and you’ve 90% of posts to wade through to find something from an interesting poster.



you will neither be missed or remembered


Are you getting a vasectomy @anon78624367?


Can you get a second one?

And I thought I had an ego


That’s just bantz, mate. You gotta roll with the punches.

what is it with lads that think they are so important to have to make an official announcement, just fuck off, you won’t be missed or remembered you boring bastard. @caoimhaoin was the only lad important enough to do that, this fella is a nobody


@anon78624367 will be back in January. December is a difficult month for a lot of people.

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How many other usernames have you bud?

I thought this was going to be about cutting the chord when a baby is born. Was going to wish @anon78624367 congratulations. Wasn’t expecting it to be an “I’m a snowflake and I’m out of here because i can’t handle it”.

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Those three lads aren’t near wise. Stick around pal.

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he’s having a mental breakdown

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Should rename the thread “I’m a snowflake, get me outta here”.

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can’t handle a bit of gentle ribbing

Its not the ribbing, and this isn’t an ego thing. I was fully expecting the replies I got here.

I am leaving for the reasons outlined.

Fellas like you, being one of the main ones, offer fuck all but the same shite in every single thread. It’s boring, reading the same thing over and over again.


You aint wrong mate but you are better off taking the @anon26343222 lunatic fringe approach to these lads.

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I can understand that, same with the gobshite who screams “murderers” in every thread that mentions Liverpool FC.

The poor gobshite thinks he is being funny or edgy and all he is a gobshite.

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It’s the same few “edgy” lads all liking each others inane bullshit.

Jesus wept, this a piss poor attempt at a flounce thread.