Dangerous Dogs

I don’t know much about dogs at all but always liked Labradors and assumed they were harmless, friendly dogs.

People forget they’re bred for work and need a hell of a lot of exercise to keep off the boredom

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Time does it I’m not great in the patience department at times but that dog became a very important part of my sons life later on when he needed it, dogs are vital and my own fault as I should have copped on that he was likely to snap some time

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My guy regularly did between 7/12 miles daily, good going for a small dog ,bloody irks me when ppl don’t exercise their pets, I’ve 3 near dogs that I’ve never seen out on a lead

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Very odd.

The father in law had a collie for years and he snapped at my young fella one day nearly cutting his face.We took him down the field and shot him.Thats how you handle dogs.They only need one chance and some kids life could be ruined.


This won’t stop @EstebanSexface going off on an anti-terrier rant for the full day. Yesterday it was BBQs. I wonder what he’ll be raving about tomorrow.

rent free

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Proper order.

Too many cunts have dogs that shouldn’t have,treating them like children doesn’t help either.


You don’t know much about anything you stupid cunt

I had a jack Russell and she could be very possessive. Was genuinely worried when the children arrived that I’d have to get rid of her, but she was brilliant with them. Took to them straight away and always really gentle around them.


i’ve had a couple of them previously and they were grand as well.

A horrific case … I wouldnt leave our dog alone with what was then a new born for more than a couple of seconds and he’s as placid as anything… the poor bastard is tormented by our little one currently as she’s hanging out of him at any chance - you’d never leave them alone alone …

Very strange allowing a neighbour’s dog into your house and then letting it alone with a child. They’ll be haunted until the day they die by that decision.


The neighbours dog theory has been knocked on the head above.


That’s definitely a large part of it. I’d take my terrier down to dog park and quite often you see people treating or reacting as if it’s their first born.

You’ve one fella with lurcher who was from rescue shelter. Small dogs take off scamper.around and play and this thing is built on years of tearing after small mammals. Mauling the fuck.out of dogs and the owner doing nothing, not even walking himself towards the situation. Well able to react when his dog gets a fong up the hole tho.

You’ve then another lady whose dog does not stop fucking barking. She could be an hour there and she lets the dog just bark and bark and bark. Scares kids, other dogs etc. Train your dog it’s not acceptable. It’s her fault, not the dogs. Can see in her head she’s thinking this is just the dog’s personality, no thought for anyone else.

Another one tried to start riding my one when j putting on the leash! I grabbed him by the scruff not in any malicious way, just a sort of grab and throw him off his jockeying! ‘dont you dare touch my dog’ as she comes running over. ‘Would you ever fuck off and take your rapey dog with you!’

There really is a distinction between those who look at it as a pet or family member first. They’re doing the dog no favours adopting the latter approach.


The @Horsebox of dogs

Harmless but capable of cutting your face off with a broken bottle.

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I take the whippet out on the lead 3 times a day and I’m trying to get him used to passing other dogs without there being a big incident or a need to say hello. He’s getting it for the most part but almost every time we pass a terrier the cunts will start barking and my fella breaks focus.

I’ve seen it before. A clown of an owner stroking their dog, after it snapping at a kid, and saying in a soft voice “Oh rover. You bold doggy. You shouldn’t bite little girls.”

Both the owner and Rover need a good kick in the hole and a short window to turn things around. Otherwise, Rover gets the lead.