David Bowie RIP

I remember rummaging through my elder brotherā€™s vinyl collection when I was about 13 and and finding The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, an absolute classic.

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Iā€™m a little surprised by how widespread the adoration for Bowie is. I would say I could have named 1 Bowie song if asked this morning before he died. That would have been Heroes. I know there were lots with ā€œspaceā€ in the title but couldnā€™t name one. I have just recently learned (in the last couple of posts) that The Man Who Sold The World was written by Bowie. Iā€™m shite at remembering cultural things but I appear to have missed out on Bowie being properly famous - I had him chalked down as a semi-obscure oddity.


For fuck sake.


I remember going to a ā€˜Sale of Workā€™ event (Car boot sale) locally around 1985 or so and the father buying a load of books and vinal. There was a Bowie record in there along with some Jim Reeves and Joe Dolan. I instantly loved Jim Reeves but Bowie (Hunky Dory) was a slow burner but I revisted it a few times and eventually became a huge fan. Great memories.

Even @ChocolateMice heard about David Bowie FFS.


Jeez rocko thatā€™s nearly as bad as farmers post


You are right mate. I only know that christmas song he sang with fred astaire


Gob Bless Bowie


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He was excellent in Zoolander


That would make you something of an oddity.*

*Please pretend I was posting from a desktop and could quote your sentence about songs with space in the title.

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Acid most likely as well.

Thatā€™s worse that @ChocolateMice not knowing who Christy Oā€™Connor Jr is.

All is forgiven Choco.

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One of my all-time favouritesā€¦


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I think Heroin may have done the most damage, thus the Thin White Duke moniker.



Fuck sake, the Thin White Duke name came about from the vast amounts of cocaine he was doing. There was actually a quote at the time that said he lived on ā€œred peppers, cocaine and milkā€.

I donā€™t class myself as a massive Bowie fan. Like, I donā€™t know his back catelogue inside out and I canā€™t name all his album releases in sequence starting at the beginning or anything. But I dipped into his music at various times over the years and recognised his outrageous talent. I listened to Low this morning before and during my commute as I love Sound and Vision. RIP.


Always liked his music, it was sort of there in the background. The brother, the font of much of my musical education, was a big fan. Great songs that everyone knows. Then went to see him in Sydney in 2004. Didnā€™t expect much, hadnā€™t listened to any of his new stuff since Lets Dance.
Fucking blew me away. Didnā€™t know any of the songs he played that night, but didnā€™t care. He was fucking brilliant, his band were fucking incredible. He said at the start ā€œIf youā€™ve come here expecting all the hits, youā€™ll be sorely disappointedā€. I loved that. he could be doing any number of retirement fund / tax bill / couldnā€™t give a shit, just want more adoration tours. But he wanted to play new songs.
The new album is brilliant. Itā€™s clearly influenced by his impending death, but there is, as always with Bowie, a large portion of humour and self deprecation. Very few artists keep challenging themselves and their audience after such a long time, as David Bowie did. He turned down a knighthood. Iman was his wife. For all these things he should be respected.
He was a fucking genius.
I am quite sad about this, but Iā€™ve just watched the video to Lazarus for the umpteenth time and it makes me feel happy, in a warped way, as only bowie could.
He was a fucking genius.



Youā€™re worse than that @ChocolateMice cunt.

Some of my favourite Bowie songs


Rebel, Rebel

Lets Dance

Absolute Beginners

The Stars (Are out Tonight)