David Bowie RIP

im finding out today that an awful lot of people seemingly had a ‘soundtrack to their childhood’ and are very sad today because Bowie was obviously good enough to write that sound track for them :smile:

Spare me ffs.

Some cow on with Matt Cooper there saying that she has been absolutely dreading this day for some time, the day bowie would no longer be in her life. :smile: ffs


Rip btw
A good singer.


I met a lady today who said something along those lines… said she cried when she heard as he provided the soundtrack to her life.

Did the soundtrack include Queen Bitch by any chance?


I didn’t hang around to get the full list, pal.

She was clearly hurting. It seems Bowie really owned a place in the hearts of many young women. They’ll probably be out on the tiles tonight, drowning their sorrows. It could be a good night for those inclined to pick up some handy “Bowie pussy”.

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I never knew the man who sold the world was his song. I’m actually a bit sad now about his passing since reading that. I think i can possibly name two other of his songs.

RIP to one of the all time greats

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Suede are the most obvious Bowie copyists of the lot. The rest of that article is just supposition.

Ironically she probably couldn’t give him a bigger insult.

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i never knew he was bent until today

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He hated the trappings of fame alright… for a man that desperately wanted to be famous when younger. He was an artist in all senses of the word and creative till the end, tho that was probably vanity again and about his legacy… Still, some roaster on here said he was a good singer :joy:

jesus christ this is getting nauseating, every channel now, lads giving it the “his music changed my life in ways I never thought possible” line



He was only bent on the Charlie… He got married and had kids after he got clean.

rubbish, once a turd pusher, always a turd pusher


I’ll take your word on the matter, pal.

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They need to invent a way to record music for posterity

None of this is doing any good for his credibility.

If his music is so accessible and loved by the great unwashed then he was obviously not the great experimentalist that everyone says he was.

He was heavily influenced by a number of artists, but put his own stamp on it… your heroes changed his life in ways he never thought possible.