David Bowie RIP

Wry self deprecating post there from farmer.

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He was the nutribullet for gay men born in the 1960s and 1970s.

To avoid any confusion, I want to state before it happens that I will be doing this if the following people die while I am still writing on this forum, and hopefully for nobody else.

Diego Maradona
Kenny Dalglish
Noel Gallagher
Liam Gallagher
Jimmy White
Any BDO darts player

David Bowie’s death doesn’t mean very much to me.

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Not enough cowbell probably

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That whole Berlin period in the mid 70s with Iggy Pop and Robert Fripp on the guitar, that will have to go down as one of those absolutely seminal periods in rock and roll where you wish you could have been there as a fly on the wall.

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For the love of fuck.
Jesus, but you are a tiresome bollocks when it comes to fucking music.


One of the greatest songwriters ever; a proper legend. So many brilliant albums, and, unlike many of his contemporaries from the 70s he was still releasing decent music today.

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An amusing Twitter backlash earlier against this Sky Sports News presenter:

Bowie co wrote and produced the wonderful Lust for Life.

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Has Kay Burley been involved yet ?

Haven’t seen her yet but Bryan Dobson just said to John Kelly on Six One News that “Bowie was a good egg, wasn’t he?”

That has me told.

Never appreciated him in my teenage years. Really only got to like him when the tv shows ashes to ashes and life on mars were released.

Id say Ian Dempsey and Tom Dunne must be taking it hard. Rarely heard both of them without his name mentioned

Must give Tom a listen tonight.


Lovely words

Irvine Welsh
Bowie died as he lived, displaying uplifting, inspirational class. Kept quiet about his illness, released a masterpiece, then checked out.


The greatest song writer/performer the world has seen.

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I think the greatest compliment he deserves is that people who would not have liked his music, still acknowledge his greatness.
Also today has been touched with a hint of sadness rather then wide hysteria.
To those of you who are genuine fans, you have greeted his death with the respect and decorum his legacy deserves


It is completely down to age group. Bowie was a cultural icon in the 70s, a visionary trend setter, the original poser. It was the height of coolness not to just be a Bowie fan but also to attempt to look like him. I can’t think of another artist who had such appeal across genders. A whole generation of posers were distraught when he retired his Ziggy persona in 1972, little realizing he had another 5 or so up his sleeve in the next decade.

People who grew up in that era are extremely sad today because it’s a reminder of their own mortality, something Bowie himself was obsessed with. Poignant that the sex symbol of his generation passed away just after reaching 69.


did you dress up as Ziggy going into gort in the late 1970’s?


No mate, I modeled myself on Jimmy Page. Looking back I should have gone the Bowie route as the chances of getting laid were exponentially higher.