David Bowie RIP

One of his best live songs, with the majestic Adrian Belew.




My favourite Bowie tunes

All these gimpy cunts on the news are getting on my wick now. Some baldy little cunt on BBC2 Newsnight interviewing that professional name dropper Nile Rodgers about how he ended up working with Bowie. Rodgers of course starts out with Well I was just going into this club with Billy Idol…
And your man the interviewer is giddy as fuck lapping it all up.


The early 70s must have been some era for music, particularly in the UK.

Did you ever see him live Fagan?


I never saw him live KP.

Nice quote.

Pity it’s a load of rubbish.

I read an interview with Bowie where he said that all the time during the 70s and 80s he was a ‘closet heterosexual’ and his homo and bisexual activities were only for show as it was the cool thing to do.

An interesting slant on things.

Shure didn’t George Michael pretend to be straight?

George Michael was appearing on Smash Hits.

Bowie was hanging around with Lou Reed.

Why do you dislike him so much?

Farmer generally dislikes artists who are/were good.


First time Wham were on the radio was on the John Perl show.

True. If they are not freezing and starving in a garret they don’t count.

I’d say that was just a backtrack by Bowie. Or maybe a ball hop.

The worst was having to watch David Cameron waxing lyrical about him.

David Bowie was a Unionist, why wouldn’t Cameron wax lyrical about him? The PM would have to say something.

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Hes probably the first Brit in ages ti die, where they can actually claim him to be one of their own.

It’s just the very existence of David Cameron I think I may have a problem with.

Love heroes but couldn’t listen to it for ages after they used it as the theme for Timmy olympics

I don’t dislike him at all.

In fact I think his ‘closet heterosexual’ term is a fantastic turn of phrase and gives a great insight into the circles he hung around in.

He’s a legend of music. Probably as famous as there was. He always struck me as a cool bastard and quite an unassuming guy given his fame.

Musically I would not hold him in as high of esteem as others yet I think he has some very good moments. That’s my view - maybe it is lack of exposure to his stuff, I don’t know.

I was feeling argumentative hence ghe post in response to Wenger.


You make me laugh

Give me your autograph

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