David Clifford

David Clifford has single handily brought Gaelic football back into the public conscience.

It seems to really irk the Dublin lads that Clifford who isnā€™t even half way through his career is already better known than any of the six in a row team and will be remembered for a lot longer than any of them.


No he hasnā€™t. Itā€™s always been there. Stop talking shite.

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I donā€™t know how weā€™ll cope

Is that why Kerry returned tickets for the final ?

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The Dublin lads are an odd bunch

So clifford gets smoked in the all ireland final and misses a sitter to equalise

Now, in an intermediate club game, which would be probably the 5th highest level of bogball he is doing well and scoring clutch points

The very definition of a flat track bully


The gaa has a policy to protect their best players, so long as itā€™s david clifford.
Grandstanding away to himself and a few slack jawed gobdaws. You literally couldnā€™t make it up.


One of the best parts I felt was his ability to work for every single of his scores. Stacks, a team in the Munster final 2 years ago, had to put 3 lads on him at times and for him to create every score from just a simple teammate handpass was sensational. Paudie on a side note was also outstanding - carried some amount of ball. It would be great to see them go up now. Senior club - something I imagine the old die hard Fossa bucks would dared to have dreamt only 10 years ago. I suppose they may have dreamt it when seeing the GOAT lace his boots as a 14 year old.


Bigger crowd in Killarney yesterday than all senior club championship games in Dublin the weekend combined.


The love their football down in Kerry so they do

They were coming from Gdansk to see the Cliff

They sure donā€™t love it in Dublin.

The sheer joy of the Fossa boys and Clifford especially after the final penalty save was delightful as the Buff would say.

You are just making stuff up here to win an imaginary argument. Good man.

Heā€™s an absolute Walter Mitty that fella.

David has the advantage of being well rested after taking it handy during the all Ireland final

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Youā€™re fierce bitter at an underage prodigy actually delivering on their potential :hushed:

I watched a few Dublin games on YouTube the weekend. Barely 100 people at them. We will say 200 at them, 8 games, total of 1600. Lot more people in Killarney yesterday.

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