David Clifford

I love you guys


10 points from play for the goat today.

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What crowd of binmen was he playing against today

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Austin stacks

42 scores and a penalty shootout. The Cliffordā€™s and Fossaā€™s rise is absolutely Box Office. Another great story in Kerry to go with the Templenoe rise.


My neighbour owns the golden nugget. Iā€™d say heā€™s in for a busy evening.


I never knew it was owned by a Limerick man? Theyā€™ve some job done out the back.

He isnā€™t a Limerick man. He is buying up every part of Limerick he can get his hands on.

Sure he owns a place not far from you.

Altavilla I think the locals call it.

The cattle dealer?

I never knew that.

Heā€™s far more than a cattle dealer.

I got him into our gaa draw for a year or two.

I didnā€™t realise he owned the nugget until recently but I was aware he owned several pubs in Killarney.

He has four or five farms in Limerick now.

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Heā€™s running some operation out of Altavilla anyways. International live cattle transport. Youā€™d often come across a parade of 5 or 6 big cattle lorries on the road.

He owns a large part of Killarney too and I had assumed he was leasing to publicans but when a few weeks ago I got a taxi from Killarney to dingle and we passed the nugget and the taxi man said your man actually runs the place himself.

They apparently go above and beyond the call of duty for fossa gaa anyway which is good to hear.


He has Bobby Barry and lady Stanhopes estate too.

Had it for a few years now.


Whatā€™s the term for really old houses that you canā€™t knock?

The gaa should have something similar for Clifford that he canā€™t be put behind paywall.

A true dispenser of joy.


Unfortunately Legion lost the other semi final because that would have another level of craic again.

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Kerry football needs Fitzy to take a sabbatical to Tralee General like Vinny did back in the day


Fossa are an hour away from senior football. That is incredible and testament to underage development and the Kerry championship structure.

Imagine the roasting Clifford would give Mick fitā€™zā€™ at club level :astonished::smiley:

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