David Clifford

Youā€™ve gone and done it now

Youā€™re getting him mixed up with joe mcquillan

McQuillan and the biased Southern media combined for 0-6 iirc

Iā€™m no expert but it looked to me like joe held davids hand for the full ninety minutes

Uh oh.

This is an utterly terrible state of affairs. Can we all say a decade or two for david?


Iā€™d say he said it with his eyes bulging wide open and an aw shucks face and a self deprecating, ā€˜I suppose the Rangers fans are gasā€™ tone of voice to be fair. (He probably said ā€˜to be fairā€™ too)
David is sound though

The gaa should have sent a referee to protect him. Itā€™s not on.

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Its crazy the adulation he gets really if you think about it. Like heā€™s an absolutely brilliant player obviously but heā€™s not that much better than con o Callaghan for eg. Not like heā€™s really good looking or even ā€˜exoticā€™ like Jason Sherlock or courts the publicity on tik tok or something. Itā€™s a very strange phenomenon.

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When David grows up he wants to be Shane McGuigan

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Itā€™s because kids know what sport is really about, fellas doing the extraordinary rather than just doing the ordinary to a very high standard. Itā€™s why Joe Canning got similar adulation despite playing at the same time as Shefflin. Iā€™d say Shane Walsh is the 2nd most popular footballer after Clifford for similar reasons.

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Heā€™s the greatest Gaelic footballer of all time. 99 percent of Irish people wouldnā€™t even know con o Callaghan if he walked past them. If you asked a lot of Irish people theyā€™d probably think your talking about a today fm Dj.

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Whatā€™s the correlation with people knowing you if you walked past and how good you are a t the game ? You must think Beckham is the greatest footballer ever ? Besides Kerry best footballers will always be more known than Dublin best ones.

I agree. Kerry must keep giving him the ball and build their whole game around him and let him shoot as he likes as heā€™s so good.

Like no kid grew up wanting to be Gary Neville, No kid grows up wanting to be Niall Scully


The Dubs are fierce touchy Clifford is box office and that the only adulation their star players get is from @Bandage


Con is a very very good footballer. Heā€™s really good.

The parenting duties havenā€™t effected his performance levels at all. Heā€™s extraordinary.

That statement could apply to David Cliffordā€™s footballing skills or @Bandage tracking of Brian Fenton.


Fento drove past me & the lads on our walk home from crĆØche/afterschool on Friday around 5pm but it was so fleeting I didnā€™t even record it on the relevant thread.

PS, David Clifford seems like a very sound chap too.

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