David Clifford

Kerry need to get rid of their manager. His influence is probably responsible for a fair bit of the toxicity that clifford has displayed over the last year. Being mollycodded by referees probably hasnā€™t helped either.

I think Jack Oā€™Conors greatest managerial attribute is timing

Heā€™s been involved in about 13 all Ireland wins in some shape or form

Simple. He has lovely bouncy hair and that shy innocent look about him. The hair symbolises youth and vitality in a way that appeals to seasoned male watchers and the giddles love it.

Once you get a trophy you follow the talentā€¦in the door and out the door. Oā€™connor is an utter wanker, and a skanger

Thats funny, because I would suggest time has moved beyont him now.

Con is class but heā€™s definitely nowhere near as stylish as Clifford.

But Clifford just makes it look so effortless, thatā€™s what draws the admirers.

Does it mean heā€™s a better player? Not necessarily, they are both top class players.


Con putting on all that muscle was quite unseemly

I still remember the time I saw him in Cheltenham. I actually got nervous.

Our club secretary from home was staying in the Hudson Bay, Athlone on Saturday night and got a picture with Clifford who was staying there with Kerry ahead of the Roscommon game the next day,

The caption was along the lines of ā€˜Managed to recruit this young fella for the club but warned him he may not get his gameā€™

Its not what Clifford does, but its the way he does it.

The numbers men will all say Con is way better but thereā€™s more to life than stats and numbers.

Their average stats might read:

Clifford - 16 Possessions, 10 shots, 7 points 2 wides, 1 dropped short, 0 assists, 4 passes, 1 turnover.
Con - 16 possessions, 4 shots, 4 points, 0 wides, 0 dropped short, 1-03 assists 4 passes, 0 turnovers.

clifford is the opposite of clutch, his missed shot to draw the all ireland was criminal

a fud

Which one of the Dublin automatrons is Con?


Clifford passes the ultimate test. The eye test.

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The fella who had GPS thing thrown at him by Lee Keegan.

That was poor alright.

I love Clifford but somone purporting to be the best in the country or even of all time needs to be getting them.

Impressive gga knowledge from you btw.


Would you not have got rid of the nerves on the journey over?


Is it possible that David Clifford was in LIDL in the Dock road last night around 830, as I was walking out it looked like he was walking in with his hood up

You Are Amazing Joe Biden GIF by The Democrats

As if this gobshite doesnā€™t get enough handy frees

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