David Clifford

That is fucking outstanding :heart_eyes:

But who is seamus Keogh? What previous tweet of his featured on TFK?

Cousin of Davey Keogh. Seamie Keogh says hello.

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Here’s a video of the stupid gimp trying to get a selfie. Lucky the big yerra slapped his phone down.

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@peddlerscross, is the chap intervening to stop the steward taking the selfie, the head match day operations chap from Thurles? I can’t recall his name but most of the covid games were played in an empty Thurles with him standing near the tunnel. Maybe he traverses Munster & performs a similar role at all games under the control of the Munster Council. It looks like him but it might not be him.

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Rob Ryan - I think Rob may be a bit more svelte than that chap

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Yes that’s Big Robert Ryan, head steward at FBD Semple Stadium who also gives a hand out to lesser venues across the Province like the TUS GG or Cusack Park or wherever.

That’s an outstanding bit of stewarding there you’d have to say. I’d say the great man was a little disappointed in Thurles a few weeks ago when a Waterford official assaulted Gearoid Hegarty under his watch so he has gone back to basics and looked on top of his game in Limerick yesterday.

I’d say that little rascal who tried to take a selfie was given a good old fashioned bollocking from the big man afterwards.


Ah here. How can you be on TFK and not know who “Big Rob Ryan” is?

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It’s Monday morning, give me a break please. At least I recognised the great man though (cc @Spidey).

Children who wouldn’t know better is one thing but a grown man acting as a steward asking for a selfie in that scenario is mind boggling.

Society is in trouble.


He’s a ignorant prick but in that instance it was a good piece of work. People are idiots.

Social Media has the world destroyed

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I’d say his club got their volunteer fee cancelled

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You realises most lads in a bib on such occasions are simpletons right?

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Delighted to give that number 10.

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The head on him.


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He looks like an ultrasound



I’d say he walks around with a big bunch of keys attached to his belt


One for the roaster thread / piss splash on my Ecco brown shoes
