David Clifford

A man is allowed grieve how he wishes to grieve. The Catholic Church can go and fuck themselves the horrible shower of bastards. They had it their own way for far too long in this country

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Far more enjoyable/satisfying sportsman to watch than Haaland I think.


That pair would be some 2-man full forward line.

A month of training into Haaland and heā€™d be lethal youā€™d have to think.


At a guess Iā€™d have to say she knew she was dying this long while and she probably had more say in their playing than they did.

Everyone deals with grief in their own way. I would not make any judgement on their choice.


Bit of a strange comment mate, it couldā€™ve been her dying wish for all we know. People deal with grief in different ways, it took some heart for those 2 lads to play today.


Iā€™d be very inclined to believe it was their Mothers or families wish they played.

Two great young men and anyone questioning them for playing can run up a pole.


Micheal Quirke said it was at the familyā€™s request that the two lads play today and Iā€™d deem them playing a big match under very sad circumstances a very admirable and courageous thing. Certainly wouldnā€™t have thought any less of them if they asked to miss today.


The three Oā€™Se brothers played a few days after their fathers funeral,
I think that was a Munster final replay, it was quite the talking point at the time. Anyway fair play to the two lads, and RIP to their mother, i guess once the ball is thrown in itā€™s a distraction for them.

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It was only Clare in fairness

David Clifford knows if he played today his mam would have been proud of he decided not to play his mam would have been proud of if he decided to go and pull wheelies in the yard his mam would be proud ā€¦ His decision is his own. A fantastic player and a good lad. May his mam RIP


This fuckin ejit trying to get a selfie

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The craziest thing is that Seamus Keogh is just an average bloke and thatā€™s the second time in a couple of weeks that his twitter has been featured here :open_mouth:

Who is he?

Just a regular Joe, thatā€™s the weird thing

Oh right I thought he might post here or something

Who is seamus Keogh?

Seamus keogh
Was an average joe
And not a big hitter
But every week, despite being meek
Someone on TFK would post his twitter

Beat that @ceist


Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions