Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

He had the shop for the bones of a decade I’d say.

Fair enough, was a Clare castle man who told me he never did much out of it.

Fellas worried about Davy’s work situation are gas.

He’s a TV star who’s more important to RTE than RTE is to him. Must be close to a millionaire out of it.

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He did well in early years, online and Elverys killed the small retail sports shop. Ken McGrath opened one and lost a lot of coin in later years.

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I’d say he hasn’t a pot to piss in

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Understandable. They killed a few around Galway too Mayo cunts.

The Bellsfort is involved in some legal wrangle too afaik with revenue. That’s probably abuse to say that though too so it is


I don’t remember Pat being anywhere near as controversial figure during the glory days in the 90s. He can’t be divided from all the opprobrium Davy attracts now though.

The Sparrow was a business partner of Davy’s during the first few pub ventures. I’ve a notion Stephen Mc might have been part of it too.

Sher isn’t Davy married to Sparrows sister

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I can only speak to my own playing days in the 2000s but Pat was always seen as a bit of a control freak and a man who would go out of his way make a club’s life hell if you got on the wrong side of.

I would have been in my early teens but I remember one of the first stories I heard about Pat was when we had two lads starting for the Clare minors in 2000. It was a big deal at the time as we would historically only have a lad on the minor panel once or twice a decade. They lost to Cork and swapped jerseys with their men, only to get back to the dressing room to be told that they would have to go into the Cork dressing room and get their jerseys back utterly humiliating a few lads for the sake of it.


Is the Belford the pub on the back road from shannon to Newmarket? The one on the right?


I was playing adult from the mid-90s and you wouldn’t hear much talk of him ever, maybe different for the football side. Grief over jersies for underage sides was a common enough occurrence always.

The Bellsfort Inn to give it it’s proper title. Was a serious watering-hole in the heyday of DeBeers and casual drink-driving

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I think when it comes to Davy, Pat will always back Davy to the hilt. Sure just look at what happened with Considine in 2007.

Would have been interesting to see how Davy would have worked out in Clare with a different secretary and executive who would have reigned him in a bit more. May well have led to a different outcome.

Spell check killed me again, I know the one sure only down the road from the free zone. Was seeing a women out there at one stage

Would anyone expect otherwise? The cult following Davy inspires among auld stocks outside of his family circle is remarkable though

A lot of lost souls looking for a leader

Is their a Clare manegerial casulty in Galway?


Apparently so. Got the P45.