Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

I donā€™t know mate. When does it normally screen?

absolutely he has his failings. There is no doubt about that. Reluctance to change up tactics either during a game or for a particular team. Not fixing Fannings puck outs when it was clear there was a huge problem there in the last 10 minutes v Tipp. There are many areas where he has faults.

However he has the team at hand playing together as a group and playing well for each other. Thats half the battle as a manager. Once you lose the team morale, the teams is fucked. Getting that balance right will be key for him. He doesnt seem to have lost any players, but next year will tell. There needs to be a deeper panel and this means playing more of the fringe players more often. He has been slow to expand his squad, but needs to do so now. A few players playing well in the latter stages of the club championships need to be called in and given a fair crack. He gets on well with his panel, the county board, the ground staff, the supporters. He hasnt managed to piss many people off at all, so maybe he has learned lessons or maybe he is just mellowing out a bit.


Sure now that he has his cash heā€™ll sing like a canary.

Especially the metaphysical cones which are the apices in their personal development.


@carryharry must be feeling conflicted with @anon32894817ā€™s opinion on Davy Fitz, given his staunch support of both men

Not really. More so he seems to take a shine to certain hurlers for reasons only known to him.

I think the reason he also likes joint captains is that it dilutes leadership and means that players are somewhat beholden to him. During the whole Davy Oā€™Halloran incident in 2015, Oā€™Halloran and two other players were spotted out drinking on Valentineā€™s night with their ladies in toe by a member of the backroom team. The member of the backroom team went to the two captains and told them about it as asked how should they handle it.

One of the captains said leave it to us and planned to call the three lads out on it and let them know it wasnā€™t on but would let it be the end of it too as long as the players toed the line. The other captain who was one of the favourites ran like a child to Davy and spilled the beans and the three lads were punished by flogging by Davy. Sure how could you expect a dressing room to hold up with that type of carry on.

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When you say flogging? Heavy training?

With Davy getting married he will probably be more available to Wexford than ever.

He utterly humiliated the lads for a finish. Itā€™s also well known a very high profile clare player got off a drink driving case that Davy was well aware off. He wasnā€™t punished even though he also broke an imposed drinking ban.

Made train on their own where they were put through fairly tough physical training for a number of weeks, not allowed to wear any Clare gear etc. All pretty petty and punitive stuff


Sounds fairly horrendous. Is Davy one of these managers that is obsessed with Alcohol, a view really prevalent in the GAA. Although given the drink driving case reference comes across like he just wanted to assert his Authority in grueling fashion and not being big name players the 3 lads gave him the oppurtunity he required.

Davy is a bully and thatā€™s how bullies act. They single out lads that know wonā€™t defend themselves. Itā€™ll end in tears for Wexford. He wonā€™t change his ways heā€™s a lunatic.

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I know of a Leitrim player thrown off the panel a few years back for having a few pints the night of his clubā€™s senior medals presentation in February.


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Not even alcohol. I think a big issue with Davy is that hurling is his life both from a passion and professional viewpoint. He has never had a real 9 to 5 job and he is obsessed with hurling, it is his be all and end all.

When he deems lads aren;t as committed as they should be or committed as him, he canā€™t really empathise with their plight as he never had career ambitions or had to make the commute to training after a days work.

One Clare hurler was in a decent role with an Irish multi national based outside of Dublin. This lads is a committed a player as you could ask for. He is very much on a pathway with his company and will end up in a very senior position with them no doubt in the not too distant future. He had to travel to Europe a couple of times during January/February in 2014, he told Davy about this well in advance. Davyā€™s response was one of which is more important hurling or your career? and also told him he could get him a job in one of the factories in Shannon any time he wanted so he could concentrate on hurling.

He was a regular at this point and Davy barely picked the same player again after this except in exceptional circumstances when the other alternatives were being cleaned out or he had no other options.


Iā€™ll give him one thing, heā€™s a master of spin and manipulation. This guff of ā€œI was leaving earlier in the weekā€ is more of it. He knows how to play the game, certainly. RTE and Today FM appearances already today.

He was ran out of Waterford and Clare. Nearly bankrupted Waterford and presided over two of the most humiliating defeats in their history - the 7 goal Munster final shellacking v Tipp and the worst All-Ireland final shaming in living memory. Took them years to recover after his stint.

Won an AI in Clare, canā€™t argue with that. Should be a hero winning an AI with his own county but ran a promising group of players into the ground subsequently. Blamed everyone but himself for the 2014 to 2016 implosion - Podge Collins for playing football for his dad, local journalists, referees, clubs, former team mates who saw through his charade like Lohan. Was eventually ran from there.

Has done an OK job with Wexford but itā€™s not exactly Offaly he has brought back from the dead. Galway were minus the best player in the country and were burnt out this year while Kilkenny were average enough, despite eventually getting to the AI final. A far from vintage Leinster championship in 2019 but like his Fitzgibbon Cupā€™s with LIT he has exaggerated what exactly it really was worth. Had Tipp by the throat and blew it. Like the master manipulator he is he hasnā€™t faced one critical question from the Wexford lads since as to why it went belly up. Cult of Davy strikes again.

Good results are all down to him, bad results always the responsibility of someone else. Always.

It always ends up pear shaped with him. Think Wexford are set up for a fall in 2020 and might struggle to get out of Leinster. Heā€™s a good organiser to a certain level in terms of the set-up and heā€™ll always cosy up to the big name players to curry favour and insulate himself from any fall out. Overall he brings so much baggage that heā€™s not worth it IMO.

The only thing for sure is that genuine Wexford supporters like Jim Bolger will still be supporting them long after that little cunt has fucked off and hitched his wagon to another county dumb enough to indulge his antics.

In saying that Iā€™d like to wish him well on his wedding day.


Brian Cody retired John Power for a similar type of issue. Power was barely able to make training on time due to working on his farm. One evening Cody went after Power in front of the team for continually being late to training (5-10 mins late). Power muttered something under his breath about it being easy for a teacher to be on time and I think he barely hurled for KK again after it.

Cody has also run many hurlers into the ground and broken many players by playing them while they have injuries. Maybe all good managers just have to be pure lunatics.


Think you should clarify you mean spud hockey managers

Think he was the far side of 35 at that stage.

He had a good couple of years left in him still so :grimacing:

He won an All Ireland with them