Dementia in Soccer

Sad news about Gordon McQueen.

How much longer can soccer continue to turn a blind eye to the barbaric practice of heading the ball. Surely heading has to be banned as a matter of priority if the sport is to continue.

Are the balls they head today the same as in Gordon’s time? If so they need to change this ASAP

Yes they are. They are still footballs.

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I dont think so mate. Football will continue regardless.

Have you taken a bang to the head?

I think the lighter ball should reduce it a lot, the old balls must have been like heading a stone. I would ban heading up to say u14s though. Encourage them to keep it on the ground anyway which can’t be a bad thing

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Sweep sweep

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Possibly. Also possible the lighter balls travel faster and further.

Yes. Many of the lads affected played sweeper.

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Not just sweepers.

I’m asking you a question here as you seem to be the expert, I’ve no idea. Is there any difference in the balls used today than the 50s/60s/,70s?

Or maybe use much lighter balls for young players?

In my opinion youngsters would be as well off playing futsal or something. Build up their touch

There would be. Particularly when it comes to taking on water. An old ball could weigh 600 grams on a wet day

Is there much heading at 8-13 ? I’d say it’s rare enough.

Not allowed until 12 these days I think.

So you’re telling me the sport has continually taken measures and the modern player is safer than previous generations?

Is that just UK?

Nobody knows.
You need to take into account that average life expectancy is significantly longer, so people are more likely perhaps to develop problems long term, as they’d otherwise be dead

It’s different in each country

This is a very valid point… Pro exercise extends life expectancy. Most of the lads getting dementia are late 70s into their 80s. It’s not like rubby when lads in their 40s are having trouble. So on one hand it giveth and on the other it might taketh also.

Is @ChairmanDan gonna start a thread to stop punching in boxing?

Soccer must be one of the very few sports where the rules of the game actively encourage and support repeated blows to the head without protective headgear or padding.